Netflix’s new romantic comedy spy-thriller, “The Union,” revolves around the rekindling romance between estranged high school sweethearts: construction worker Mike (Mark Wahlberg) and secret agent Roxanne (Halle Berry). Despite the film’s 109-minute duration, the two never share a kiss—a choice that director Julian Farino revealed was “long debated” but ultimately made to leave fans eager for more.
“We take the relationship to a certain place, and then I think you’ve got to leave a lot of space to go,” Farino told Variety at the film’s L.A. premiere on Monday night. “Netflix always said to us at the beginning, ‘You have to think of this as a possible three-movie idea.’ So if an audience comes out wanting a kiss, then we’ve probably done alright, in my opinion.”
Farino joined Berry, Wahlberg, and the rest of “The Union” cast on the red carpet outside Hollywood’s Egyptian Theater to talk about how they brought the Netflix action-adventure to life. The film centers on a secret service division called “The Union,” which specializes in transforming ordinary blue-collar workers into highly skilled spies. When an overseas mission goes awry, Roxanne returns to her home state of New Jersey to enlist her high school sweetheart, Mike, whose low profile and construction background make him an ideal recruit for the team.